Ranks of elliptic curves in cyclic sextic extensions of Q H. Kisilevsky and M. Kuwata Indagationes Mathematicaexxx--xxx
(2024) Article
Mordell-Weil lattice of Inose's elliptic K3 surface arising from the product of 3-isogenous elliptic curves M. Kuwata and K. Utsumi J. Number Theory190333--351
(2018) Article
Inose's construction and elliptic K3 surfaces with Mordell-Weil rank 15 revisited A. Kumar and M. Kuwata Higher genus curves in mathematical physics and arithmetic geometryContemp. Math.703131--141
(2018) Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI Article
Elliptic K3 surfaces associated with the product of two elliptic curves: Mordell-Weil lattices and their fields of definition A. Kumar and M. Kuwata Nagoya Math. J.228124--185
(2017) Article
Vanishing and non-vanishing Dirichlet twists of L-functions of elliptic curves J. Fearnley and H. Kisilevsky and M. Kuwata J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2)86539--557
(2012) Article
Elliptic parameters and defining equations for elliptic fibrations on a Kummer surface M. Kuwata and T. Shioda Algebraic geometry in East Asia---Hanoi 2005Adv. Stud. Pure Math.50177--215
Equal sums of sixth powers and quadratic line complexes M. Kuwata Rocky Mountain J. Math.37497--517
(2007) Article
Quadratic twists of an elliptic curve and maps from a hyperelliptic curve M. Kuwata Math. J. Okayama Univ.4785--97
Twenty-eight double tangent lines of a plane quartic curve with an involution and the Mordell-Weil lattices M. Kuwata Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli5417--32
Points defined over cyclic quartic extensions on an elliptic curve and generalized Kummer surfaces M. Kuwata Galois theory and modular formsDev. Math.1165--76
(2004) Article
A singular K3 surface related to sums of consecutive cubes M. Kuwata and J. Top Indag. Math. (N.S.)11419--435
(2000) Article
Elliptic K3 surfaces with given Mordell-Weil rank M. Kuwata Comment. Math. Univ. St. Paul.4991--100
Elliptic fibrations on quartic K3 surfaces with large Picard numbers M. Kuwata Pacific J. Math.171231--243
(1995) Article
Generalized Artin's conjecture for primitive roots and cyclicity mod of elliptic curves over function fields D. A. Clark and M. Kuwata Canad. Math. Bull.38167--173
(1995) Article
An elliptic surface related to sums of consecutive squares M. Kuwata and J. Top Exposition. Math.12181--192
Topology of rational points on isotrivial elliptic surfaces M. Kuwata and L. Wang Internat. Math. Res. Notices113--123
(1993) Article
Ramified primes in the field of definition for the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic surface M. Kuwata Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.116955--959
(1992) Article
The field of definition of the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve over a function field M. Kuwata Compositio Math.76399--406
(1990) Article
The canonical height and elliptic surfaces M. Kuwata J. Number Theory36201--211
(1990) Article
Intersection homology of weighted projective spaces and pseudo-lens spaces M. Kuwata Pacific J. Math.133355--362
(1988) Article